
Isnt he cute???

Thursday 6 May 2010

The Rapture!

I jus realised that i havent even explained my theme and nothing makes sense without it.
So here you go!

Even after my lack of inspiration, i had finally chosen a theme that i was relatively happy with. I began to focus on the more spiritual, and prophesised side of how the world could end. Among Christians there is a prophecy that has been foretold in the Bible, in different ways but they all have the same meaning. It prophesises that one day Satan will rise up and enter heaven, but then he shall be vanquished and God shall prepare a new heaven. When this new heaven has be created Christ shall come to Earth and begin lifting the Christians into heaven, and away from the Earth. Everyone who is left behind will face the wrath of God. This comes in many different forms and takes a while to take effect, but one of the side effects is that the sea turned to blood. This causes all of the sea life to die, and due to this there willl be less oxygen available for those left on the land. Another wrath is immense heat. The heat is so strong from the sun that to survive protection is needed. This is Armageddon. The Earth will then be remade and after 1000 years the ones who were taken to heaven may return to the Earth, because everything is good again.

This probably makes no sense as my work so far has been on recycling, but the recycling element is my textiles side to the project. Janet Cooper's work inspired me as i have already talked about. These two themes do come together in my final design, with a few quotes from the Bible on the lining of my garment perhaps???

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